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The Illinois District Council (IDC) is the sixth Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies
of the World, Inc. Bishop Horace E. Smith, M.D. is the Diocesan.


The purpose of the Illinois District Council is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through the
comprehensive ministries of the various auxiliaries and sister churches. The Illinois District
Council aims to provide guidance and spiritual inspiration to the body of Christ.


The Illinois District Council is comprised of local churches across the state of Illinois. The
pastors, ministers and lay members of those churches make up the Illinois District Council
constituency. The Council is composed of various auxiliaries, a Ministers’ Alliance and a
Pastors’ Alliance which functions throughout the year.


The Illinois District Council meets formally three times a year, March, July, and November.
Meetings begin on the first Thursday of the designated month and continue until Saturday. If,
however, a holiday occurs on the first week then the Council convenes on the second Thursday
of the month. The July meeting is designated as the annual session and is usually hosted at the
Diocesan’s church but can be changed at the discretion of the Diocesan Bishop.


The Illinois District Council is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of the Bishop of the
Diocese, Suffragan Bishops, District Elders, two Lay Directors, Council Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


Any current registered IDC member may participate and vote in the business sessions regarding
non-ecclesiastical Council matters.



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P. O. Box 42603,

Evergreen Park, IL  60805


©2021 by Illinois District Council

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